The New Year's Resolution


So, since the New Year is fast approaching, I thought I’d let you all know how I feel about New Year’s Resolutions.

You know, the whole ‘New Year New Me’ thing…
Let’s be honest, we've all done it at least once; truthfully, I used to do it every year religiously until I turned 17 or so.

So, to rekindle an old tradition, let me give you some of my New Year’s Resolutions for 2016:

  1. To improve my personal relationship with God. I feel like I've been stagnate for too long.
  2. To be consistent with working out/eating healthy. This stomach of mine won't get any flatter by itself and this ass won’t be getting any bigger without consistent squats sooo…
  3. To push myself academically. That 1st class degree isn't getting itself!
  4. Do more with my spoken word, presenting and blogging! I believe things aren't handed to me so I need to go out and get what I want!
  5. Wake up every morning from 2016 happy and positive! and
  6. Keep only the RIGHT people in my life. I need to leave the negative behind in 2015!

RIGHT! So let’s talk about how I really feel about New Year’s Resolutions… I personally think it’s pointless!

Why should I wait until the New Year before I improve my relationship with God or work out and be healthy? What sense does it make to flop my first term at uni but work extremely hard only from the 1st of January simply because it’s A NEW YEAR? And am I supposed to wake up sad every morning until the 31st of December and all of a sudden be happy on the 1st? I mean, come on!
Finally, my personal favourite. I don't understand when people say 'I'm cutting people off in 2016'... So you’re going to be cool with them on the 31st but not the 1st? So basically, what you’re saying is that we’re cool on the 31st December 2015 at 23:59 pm but on the 1st of January 2016 at 00:00 am I've been cut?

Just because you set yourself a list of rules to follow from the 1st to be a better person or eat less chocolate, doesn't mean you're actually going to wake up on the 1st and automatically be a changed person. 

Our New Year’s resolutions shouldn't just be a list we make on New Year's Eve. We always give ourselves these recycled rules to live by for the New Year but then give up on them before March is over. New Year's Resolutions are a vicious cycle. We find ourselves back to our old/bad habits waiting for the next ‘New Year’ to arrive to make a new list we'll eventually give up on. I mean, props to you if you’re actually able to stick to your New Year’s resolutions, but for the majority of us that don’t and just in general, I think New Year’s resolutions should be scrapped!

Why? Because, the things we want to improve in our lives be it physical, spiritual, emotional or academic etc., should be things that we strive to work on every day! Being a better, well rounded person doesn't happen due to a few words on a piece of paper. It happens by consciously making the decision, daily, to change and/or improve where need be. It's a working progress, something that we need to constantly monitor in order to be successful. If you do decide to make a 'New Year's Resolution' list, I would advise that you set yourself daily reminders on your phone, IPad or write it on your calendar, ANYTHING that will help you remain motivated THROUGHOUT the year.

So, this year I’m not going to make a New Year’s Resolution list. I’m going to make the changes that need to be changed in my life not just from the 1st of January, from today!

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